Drop columns based on NAs percentage in R
Selecting or discarding columns based on NAs percentage in R. Showing up several ways!
Are you developing an automated exploration tool? Here we propose some alternatives to drop columns with high percentage of NAs.
In this previous tip we talk about BaseR vs Tidy & Purrr counting NAs performance.
Not leaving the pipeflow. How much does it cost?;) It depends on the NA distribution between features and its number, but not much that a few nanoseconds in small and big datasets
# library(microbenchmark) You can benchmark them in small and big datasets
airquality %>% select_if(~mean(is.na(.)) < 0.2)
airquality %>% select(which(colMeans(is.na(.)) < 0.2))
airquality[lapply(airquality, function(x) mean(is.na(x))) < 0.2]
Soooo what’s your choice??